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News & Events

Victorian Day with Years 5 and 6- Hazel Class

Feb ruary 2025


Roman Day with years 3 and 4- Oak class

February 2025



Our Basketball Team

January 2025

Our Sports Leaders

January 2025

Our largest Athletics Team ever competing

January 2025


Stepping into new learning for January

Each door to the classrooms gives a clue about the children's themes for this new term.



Christmas Service at Bawdsey Church

December 2024



Christmas Cracker fun sport event- with Oak class

December 2024


Our Panathlon Swimming Team

Representing Suffolk at the Olympic pool in :London

November 2024


Our Ten Pin Bowling team

November 2024


Willow class sharing assembly

November 2024

Children in Need

November 2024

Our Dodgeball team

November 2024

Hazel class sharing assembly

November 2024

Remembrance Day

Sergeant Moffatt came to talk to the children about what Remembrance day meant to him. We visited the war memorial and laid our own wreath.

Other pupils attended the service at Boyton church,

November 2024




Yr 6 at Crucial Crew

Lots of safety messages and training.

October 2024




Football tournament with Suffolk School Games

October 2024

Macmillan Coffee and Open Morning

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed serving and giving tours.

(Then enjoying a bit of cake themselves.)








Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Visit

September 2024




Harvest Festival at Bawdsey Church

September 2024


Roald Dahl Day

13th September 2024

We had fun dressing up as Roald Dahl book characters, or in our pyjamas for the day.


Year 6's last Forest School session and Beach visit with Bawdsey school.

July 2024


Circus Ferrel

July 2024

A fantastic assembly in the big top, circus skills training and a chance to be in two public shows.




James Campbell- author visit and book signing.

July 2024

The children were roaring with laughter with this amazing author. 

KS2 performance of the play 'The Tempest'

July 2024

Minibeasts and creatures visit the Nursery and Reception class.

July 2024

Ed Mackay from Mini Monsters wowed the children with the creatures.





A trip to Wimbledon

July 2024

Year 5 and 6 leaver's camping at school

July 2024

Camping on the field, a visit to the beach, wonderful food (with thanks to the Mann family) and a disco and party.




Sports day and the red team won!

July 2024

Bawdsey Church Flower Festival

June 2024

The theme was islands- we chose the British Isles. 








Our Cricket team for the Suffolk School Games competition

June 2024

Playing at Ransomes Cricket Pavillion. They played in five matches, winning three, drawing one and losing one. Well done Bawdsey Cricket Team!




Year 5 Gardening

The vegetable beds have been harvested and replanted. We will enjoy the beans in our school lunches and using them in our teaching kitchen too.


Pentecost service at Bawdsey church

May 2024

We had an afternoon making Pentecost art and presented it during a church service. We decorated the whole church too.



 Forest School helping at the church yard

They made a dead- hedge for wildlife and planted some seeds for the parishioners. Yr 5 and 6 came to help EYFS.














Suffolk Cricket sessions

May 2024

Years 1-6 all had the chance to be coached by Suffolk Cricket experts.


P.A.T dog to listen to readers

May 2024

Theta and her human Mrs Osmanski is joining us every Friday to help us with our reading. On the first visit we learnt how to approach Theta. 

Year 6 completed their SATs

We are very proud that our year 6 children tried so hard with their SATs, they were all stars of the week!

Singing and Signing with Mrs Head

April 2024

Mrs Head joins the EYFS every week to lead a singing and signing session. 

Learning about Holi from Kalpesh Zalavadiya

April 2024





In the morning, we learnt all about Holi and how the festival is a multi-faceted celebration. It is a celebration of good conquering evil,

the start of spring, a day to rid oneself of past errors and a day to forgive and forget. It is a colourful, joyful celebration!

We learnt different Bollywood and Bhangra dances and the meaning behind the music and dance moves.  

In the afternoon, we participated in the second tradition of Holi! The first day of the Holi festival consists of sharing food with family

and friends around a bonfire and then enjoying dancing and parades. The second day traditionally hosts a paint throwing event!

The paint represents the bonfire Prahalad was saved from. The bright colours are also chosen to symbolise

happiness and merriment and putting the powder on friends and family represents spreading love and joy to others. In the afternoon

we showed our Parents and Carers our dancing and they were invited to join in with our paint-throwing. We all loved it and it was

worth the three hair washes we each had to have afterwards!

Sing and Sign sessions with Mrs Head.

April 2o24 and weekly.

EYFS enjoy learning to sing and sign each week with Mrs Head.


Easter Service at Bawdsey Church


  The children read the Easter story and led the prayers. 

Decorated Easter egg,  competition winners

Bawdsey School's Science week

Exploring flight  and using time as a measure (skill) to help record results.





EYFS looked at flight in nature and tested folding and throwing paper planes. KS1 tested different plane designs and how far they

could throw them. KS2 looked at the world record for a paper plane flight and chose one variable to change,

either aeroplane shape or material used to make it, the angle of the throw or the height of the throw to see what would make the

most difference. They timed how long it was in the air for, as well as the distance it travelled. They then presented their findings in

an assembly to everyone and practised their presentation oracy skills. 

Yr 5/ 6 learning about Coastal Erosion and Plastic Pollution-

Tod from the Deben Marine Centre came to explain the volunteers' work and how we could apply this in our Beach school sessions.


IP12 Poetry Slam for year 3 and 4 pupils.

The IP12 schools joined together for their Oracy work and presented their poems.


Year 3 and 4 pupils from Bawdsey chose and read 'Please Mrs Butler' by Allan Ahlberg, and they performed two other poems with the

other schools. 'Gran rap' and an 'IP12' poem written for the event. Please click on the titles below to hear the poetry.



The Mayor of Woodbridge joined us at the event.



 Granny for the Gran rap. 

Our Cross country team

March 2024

One of our pupils came in the top 20 pupils and another 5 were in the top 100.

Suffolk School Games- Our swim gala team

March 2024

They finished 1st overall and won every race they were in!

Suffolk School Games- Our Futsal team

March 2024

They played seven matches, winning two and drawing two! One player scored 7 goals and another was given the award for good sportsmanship and fair play. 


Farlingaye High School Pupils help yr 5 and 6 with tessellation

March 2024

FHS pupils came to present a session about M.C. Escher, tessellation and patterns. The children loved the session and asking questions about high school too.


World Book Day

March 2024





Egg-citing classmates

EYFS class- March 2024



KS2 Photography workshop

March 2024



On Monday 4th March, KS2 at Bawdsey participated in a Photography Worksho funded by AONB and East Suffolk Council. In the morning, we had a lesson from Sadie (who works for the Suffolk Wildlife Trust) all about DSLR cameras and how they are used. We learnt about the focus settings, zooming, motion, blur and how important lighting is.

We also learnt about our local area and talked about how we can appreciate the natural beauty we are surrounded by! 
We also made Cyanotypes! This was to demonstrate how ‘old-fashioned’ film is developed and how UV rays can change photographs. We had special paper that was coated in a chemical containing potassium. We then placed our leaves on the paper and pinned them down with a clear sheet. We left them in the sun to 'develop'. After, we 'washed' the paper, it created beautiful artwork. 

Visit to Bury St Edmund's Cathedral

February 2024

Years 3-6 visited Bury Cathedral and were commended on their behaviour by the staff.




Pancake Day 2024

Our traditional pancake races.


Our KS1 and KS2 winners- with our winners pancake spoon- our KS2 winner has their name added to the spoon.




Children's mental health week.

February 2024- our classes shared what they had learnt.


 Willow class showing the emotions they had been talking about

Chestnut class showing us five ways that keeps them happy.

Oak and Hazel classes showing their posters about how unique they are.

Suffolk School Games- Our bowling team.

One of the team scored over 100!


Suffolk School  Games- Our dodgeball team. 

They won four games and drew one game.

February 2024

Chinese Lunar New Year

February 2024

EYFS found out all about the Lunar new year and how they celebrate this in China. 


Learning about Local History

February 2024

Local Historian Mr Stree taught years 5 and 6 about the history of Bawdsey and the local area.

Mobile Library Van Visit

January 2024

EYFS, Year 1 and 2 are enjoying their monthly visit in the library van. They love sharing books for the month until the bus comes again.



Snow at Bawdsey School

January 2024

EYFS enjoyed exploring and playing in the snow.


BSA Wishlist

The BSA (PTA) put out a wishlist over Christmas for some books and maths games the children wanted in school. Lots of people in the community sent them in to us. Thank you friends of Bawdsey school!

Christmas 2023

Our traditional walk to the beach after Christmas dinner.

Christmas jumper day.

The children's Christmas service in Bawdsey church.









Christmas crafts afternoon 2023

Each year the children make Christmas decorations to decorate the school. They work in team groups and like helping each other.





Suffolk School Games- Christmas Cracker

December 2023




Yrs 5 and 6 learning about Victorian technology

December 2023

Mr Wyllie came in to teach us all about canals and locks. The children enjoyed learning about Victorian technology and science pushes/pulls and gravity!


Doctors' visiting EYFS

Trainee Doctors came to visit us and played lots of games in EYFS. 

IP 12 Tag Rugby competition-

Our team.

NOvember 2024

Remembrance day

November 2023

We went to Bawdsey War Memorial to participate in a two minute silence. We read two poems, a prayer and remembered all those who sacrificed so much for us.


Anti- bullying day.

Odd socks to support differences.

November 2023

Suffolk School Games- Our Panathlon Team

November 2o23





Yr 5 and 6 visited the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum

November 2023

Yr 5 and 6 have been learning about WW2 and thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Flixton to learn about fighting in the war and people's experiences of living through the war. 


Yr 5 and 6 Visited Bawdsey Radar Museum

November 2023

As part of their work about WW2, Yr 5 and 6 visited Bawdsey Radar Museum and learnt about how important this was during WW2.

Harvest Festival

October 2023

The children all presented a poem, picture or story about Harvest in our service at Bawdsey church. We collected a lot of food for the Salvation army too, for people who really need it.

Safer Internet Day

October 2023

Each class learnt about keeping safe on the internet. In EYFS they learnt a song about being safe on your tablets too.

Suffolk School Games- Our Football Team

October 2023

Macmillan Coffee and open afternoon

September 2023

A firm favourite each year is holding a Macmillan event to raise money for the charity and to show people around our school.

The children made cakes during cooking lessons and brought them from home too. The visitors loved the tours of the school too.




September 2023

Yr 5 have been learning how to cycle safely on the roads.


Platinum School Games Sports Award 2023

We are delighted that we have just been awarded a Platinum for our children's commitment to sports and activities this year!

Young Art East Anglia Exhibition

Our pupils created pictures on the theme of 'Broadening Horizons.' For the YAEA exhibition. We were delighted three pupils had their artwork chosen for display. Toby in Starfish class painted a picture of himself as an archaeologist and zoologist, Teddy also in Starfish class painted himself as a future scientist and Hetty in Turtles class painted a picture of her future helping our world.



Bawdsey Church Flower festival

Our families donated some beautiful flowers for the school to make a display in Bawdsey Church's Flower Festival. The theme was 'All Creatures, Great and Small.' Starfish class made some animal masks for the pew ends too. 



King Charles III coronation celebrations

We enjoyed a day of activities, a picnic on the field with our families and an afternoon of games and fun on the field for King Charles' celebrations. We have all made a panel for a textile hanging to go up in the hall too!


Bawdsey Octopus

We have been working towards an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty grant this year,

A promise for the grant was to design and make an outside sculpture. The children in Turtles class were asked to come up with designs to signify the impact of rubbish on the environment at East Lane. They decided on the Octopus. It has a normal octopus’ body, but its tentacles will be made of plastic waste to show how the environment is affected by people.

Mr Mann has kindly sourced and carved the start of the octopus sculpture from an old oak root that was blown over possibly as far back as  the 87 hurricane. The children have collected the bottles and finished the arms. 



Peninsula School's art exhibition 'Creation'

We joined with Hollesley and Sandlings school to display art work with the theme of 'Creation' at Alderton church. 


Nkoni Primary School, Uganda

Parents and carers have sent in money to purchase  exercise books, erasers and pencils for Nkoni Primary School in Masaka, Uganda. Every child at Bawdsey school wrote a message which they stuck in the front of each book to another child in Uganda. We hope this will help their school and set up new relationships between our two schools and we are looking forward to getting some photos and messages back soon. The items were presented to the school by Mrs Helen Rankin who you can see in the photo.


New Sports Kit

These are the photos of the school's new sports kit (to be worn when representing the school in competition).

They were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Mann, who held a Halloween raffle to raise funds for them.



Green Eco Flag

We are proud to announce the Eco Council have received the Green Flag award for our school. A lot of work went into this including making a plastic bottle greenhouse, making the children aware of how to save energy in the school and learning more about recycling, well done team!

Bowling competition

As part of the Suffolk School games we took part in the Bowling competition.


The Pinnacle

During half term we have had a newly built pinnacle replaced on the school roof. It was due to be mended in situ but being 122 years old (we think) the wood was found to be too rotten for this to happen. The wooden part has now been rebuilt. It was returned to the school roof by Apex roofing weighing in at 380 kilos. It has a new addition to it though, the children have all written an autobiography about themselves for a time capsule which has gone up inside the pinnacle onto the roof. The school council also chose to put some school newsletters, local news pieces about Bawdsey and a whole school picture inside the capsule too. We will put up a plaque telling people that it is there, and the children enjoyed trying to think what the future may be like in another 122 years.  


Jubilee Celebration with Orford Primary School

We have been very busy this last term at Bawdsey CEVCP School, we went on a whole school visit to Orford castle. The children dressed up as royalty (or in red, white and blue) and then wore their hand-crafted crowns as they went to join in a Jubilee picnic with our partner school in Orford. The children then had a great afternoon meeting new friends and experiencing games from when the coronation took place, which included; using hoops, bowls, skipping games, card games, quoits, hopscotch, tin-can alley and a firm favourite was wellie wanging. 

Suffolk Show 2022

During half term we presented a garden at the Suffolk Show and won 'Large Gold' and a superb cup to display. The children designed the garden to represent the four seasons for bees, as they really wanted the garden to help bees for the future and safeguard our eco-systems. We were delighted the school gardening club were so inspired to make this garden, which will now be recreated back at school to encourage the bees. Well done to Lily, Mariette, Adi, Theo, Mia, Rueben, Arthur, Caera, Erin and Sebastian. Special thanks to Mrs Rankin, Mr Stevens and Mr Ross too for all their help and encouragement of the keen gardeners. 

Long Ship visit

All but the youngest children visited the Long Ship in Woodbridge on the 30th June 2021. A series of well-organised sessions gave a real insight into how the Anglo-Saxons build their long wooden ships.



Celebration of Music at Snape Maltings 

March 2022

Celebration is an annual festival at Snape Maltings which showcases the diverse music being made by young people across Suffolk. The Bawdsey children spent all day at the Maltings practising their songs and also learning a new song for the finale of the evening. The children sang their hearts out and the "Bawdsey Song" was a great success. 


School Games Quad Kids Competition

July 2021

This competition consisted of a 600m run, a vortex howler throw, a standing long jump and a 75m sprint. The children were exceptional.  After a fabulous morning of sport, we waited anxiously for the results and were delighted when we were announced as the winners of the development competition (for smaller schools).

Tractors in Schools

We had a visit from Mr Mann and his lovely new tractor, he also brought some potatoes for the children to plant
Tractors in Schools

Visit to Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton

There are 65 historic aircraft at the museum and 25000 exhibits covering civil and military aviation in East Anglia from the pioneering years, though World Wars 1 and 2 to the present day. The children enjoyed it enormously. They are holding books which were prizes for answering a quiz.