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Pupil premium and Sports Premium


Pupil premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools so that they can support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals or who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years. Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and children of service personnel.

In the 2022-2023 financial year, schools receive the following funding for each child registered as eligible for free school meals at any point during the last six years:

  • £1,385 for pupils in Reception to Year 6
  • £2,300 for any child in care or who has spent one day or more in care in the past.

The government believes that headteachers and school leaders should decide how to use the pupil premium, and are held accountable for the decisions they make. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how this is being used. Pupil Premium is a key focus for school leaders to ensure that children eligible achieve in line with their non-eligible peers both nationally and within the school setting.

Bawdsey CEVCP School's statement of Intent:

All members of staff and our governing body take full responsibility for our socially disadvantaged pupils and are fully committed to support their pastoral, social and academic needs within a caring and nurturing environment. We take time to fully understand the strengths of each child along with the needs and challenges that each pupil faces, and we ensure that we deploy funding in order to narrow the gap between socially disadvantaged pupils and their peers. We are forensic in our approach so that we know that exactly where the gaps for each child are and can then address these within focused teaching sessions and bespoke interventions.

We believe that, as with every child in our school, a child who is considered to be ‘socially disadvantaged’ is valued, respected and entitled to develop to his/her potential irrespective of need. We ensure that the Pupil Premium is spent on improving the life chances of the poorest and most vulnerable pupils in our care by planning providing a high-quality education and levels of support that will enable our pupils to be the best they can be, to engage positively in their learning and flourish in all aspects of their school life. High quality teaching is at the very heart of our approach, and we enable this through a robust CPD programme that clearly focuses on ensuring that all staff know how to support and scaffold learning through carefully planned teaching strategies and approaches.

At Bawdsey CEVCP School our aim is to:

• Recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for Free School Meals and therefore we reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium to support any pupils or groups of pupils the school has legitimately recognised as being socially disadvantaged and vulnerable to underachievement as a result of poverty or deprivation.

• Ensure that where there are pupils eligible for the `Pupil Premium who are not falling behind their peers, curriculum enrichment activities and PSHE are used to raise aspirations. (These pupils are clearly identified on the school’s tracking system so that evidence of their performance is clear).

• Identify the funding received through the Pupil Premium in the school development & budget plan and allocate it carefully to address the varying needs of our vulnerable pupils.

• Closely analyse performance data in order to identify gaps in attainment and to determine the focus areas for additional support to all pupils including those entitled to benefit from the Pupil Premium.

• Evaluate and monitor Pupil Premium spending to measure impact and spend it in ways shown to be most effective (with reference to the Sutton Trust-EEF teaching and Learning Toolkit which summarises the evidence for different approaches to raising attainment).

Our priorities for our pupils identified for PP spending are:

• To ensure that all disadvantaged pupils make or exceed national expected progress rates.

• To focus on getting the basics of spoken language, literacy and numeracy right as early as possible.

• To work with parents to maximise their involvement and confidence in supporting their child’s education.

• To develop the personal, emotional and social skills which give young people the resilience, persistence and motivation to be independent and confident learners and be able to thrive socially and emotionally.

• To identify and address gaps in learning and knowledge so that children make at least good progress from their individual starting points

• To enrich the experiences of all pupils through a rich menu of cultural experiences and opportunities that promote the school’s vision for the pupils to be courageous, caring, to want to explore, to know that they are equal to others and that they are resilient.

Provision - We do this through:

Early intervention - we identify children vulnerable to under-achievement in the EYFS or as soon as they are admitted to the school.

Having high expectations and a determination that no child is ‘left behind’.

Teaching children strategies to motivate themselves and plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning ('learning to learn') through our whole school.

Termly pupil progress meetings to track and discuss pupils vulnerable to underachievement to ensure we are doing all we can to accelerate progress and monitor the impact of the support in place.

Giving effective feedback on learning – Assessment for learning: ensuring that children know where they are in their learning journey and to work with them to plan their next steps and recognise their successes.

Additional or supplementary one to one tutoring – always ensuring that those supporting the children with the greatest difficulties are taught by the most qualified adults.

Smaller class sizes to ensure personalised learning for all children.

Small group bespoke interventions to address identified needs.

Providing experiences in order to broaden horizons and provide enrichment.

Funding Nursery sessions for all who are 3+ to prepare children ready for school.

Funding after school clubs and extracurricular activities where appropriate – looking at health and wellbeing and providing new opportunities.

Please find the links below to our PP Strategies, their respective Reviews and Impact Statements.












We are very keen to promote all forms of sport and encouraging a healthy lifestyle at Bawdsey School. We are proud to enter our teams in as many sporting competitions as possible and the results we have achieved in the last two years are truly exceptional for such a small village school. I feel it reflects the level of commitment we put into our sport and how the money that we have been allocated has been put to good use. We believe in access for all so all our children take part in at least two hours of high quality PE every week. Having said this, most of our children attend many of our after school clubs (we often have more than one club running each night) and you can clearly see how well attended these clubs are below. This reflects not only the emphasis we put into our PE provision but also the high level of enjoyment the children get out of attending these clubs when you consider how high the percentage of children attend.

"The P.E. and Sport Premium funding has allowed us to enter many sports competitions, including those in the Farlingaye Pyramid, county competitions, and Change4Life. As a result, ALL pupils in Year 6 had represented the school in at least one sporting competition when they left Bawdsey!


In order to sustain this achievement, and make further improvements, we are keeping records to ensure that all children are provided with adequate sporting opportunities. We shall continue to offer and enter a broad range of competitions that will appeal to more children, including competitions that we have not previously entered e.g. the School Games Sports Hall Athletics.