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IP12 Partnership

Peninsula Partners-Working together with local schools

Aims of the Partnership

  • To ensure the viability and individual identities of the Peninsula Schools

We are proud to be part of the IP12 Partnership

We are one of eight Local Authority maintained schools in the IP12 area who have teamed up to increase the expertise of staff and the opportunities and experiences for our pupils while they are at primary school. By also working with and being supported by our local IP12 high school we are making sure our pupils are ready for transition and the next step of their academic journey.

Our vision is to improve experiences and outcomes for all children in IP12 by establishing a distinctive and sustainable approach to school improvement, created, developed, and owned by IP12 schools. It is founded on the principles of ‘system leadership,’ in which school leaders contribute to school improvement beyond their own school.

Our current focus is ‘to infuse rich vocabulary into the primary curriculum’ which resulted from a greater need of all our pupils after lockdown and COVID, where they had not had the same opportunities to develop vocabulary, oracy skills or social skills as they had previously.


These are some of the initiatives that we have achieved:

Organised two high-quality training days for all teachers and HLTAs in the partnership, researching vocabulary development led by Robin Bones and Peter Dudley, two well renowned National speakers on Oracy. Organised joint training sessions for all staff from the schools, for example 'Anxiety training' from the Mental Health Support Team. 

Organised Pyramid collaborative work for the children between schools before they go onto Farlingaye, or with Farlingaye in readiness for their transition. These include a debating project with year 6 pupils click here for the 2023 information. This year we have a poetry day planned for year 3 and 4 too, among many other things including sporting fixtures (please see below).

Developed working parties of Headteachers, SENDCos, EYFS, Literacy, Governors and Senior Leaders from our schools. Each working on elements of our joint action plan, sharing good practice, research and resources.

Secured nationally renowned training from Voice 21 to develop oracy skills with our pupils.

Created and rolled out Tier 1,2 and 3 level vocabulary teaching, resources and expectations in all schools.

Joined in sporting and other activities among the schools to aid transition for the pupils to High school.


All of this has been kindly partially funded by the Local Authority who is highlighting our collaborative work as an example to be considered by other schools in the county.

Links to the other IP12 schools
